Susan Goddard & Peter Barlow, Kates & Barlos, PC
Success Story: Kates & Barlow, PC
A little over 8 years ago, I opened my own law firm after 20+ years in big firms. I’ve ridden the Best Buddies Hyannis Port Challenge every year since its inception. I wanted to do more for Best Buddies but my prior firms would not support hiring a buddy. In my new firm I wanted to employ people who enjoyed their work and would be a positive influence on firm culture. I felt pretty sure we could find such an employee through Best Buddies.
We worked closely with Jake and his team to find the right fit. We talked about job descriptions, allowing things to take shape and then modifying duties and responsibilities where necessary. A candidate emerged and we hired Susan Goddard. Best Buddies could not have been more helpful in assimilating Susan into the firm. It’s been a smashing success.
Susan provides critical assistance in our information management by scanning documents. She is a key player in clearing out old files and making space for new matters. Filing space is at a premium so we really need her help. We are lucky to have her. The entire experience has been energizing, motivating, productive and fun. I can’t thank Best Buddies enough for making our firm a better place.
– Peter Barlow, Kates & Barlow, PC